*Great Article on INC.com*
8 Qualities of Fearless Entrepreneurs
You know the type: They do things other business owners only dream of doing--and usually succeed. Here's what sets them apart.
National Geographic/Getty Images
These are the qualities that Provost says set true business badasses apart:
1. They say yes first--then figure out how to deliver.
Badasses are incredibly confident, with good reason. If a job is anywhere near their wheelhouse, they will find a way to get it done or die trying.
Why? They trust their own abilities, but they trust the people around them just as much.
If you're a true badass, you think there's a way to solve every problem. All you have to do is find it.
2. They think differently than everyone else.
Most business problems aren't new. Badasses tackle old problems with a variety of creative solutions.
Instead of designing a corporate newsletter that no one will read to "improve communication," a badass will create a holograph of the CEO that welcomes you to work and gives you the latest news. And a true badass would wear a flowing gown like the one in this video of a Kate Moss hologram.
Tell me that wouldn't improve communication.
3. They speak up.
When badasses have a different opinion, they share it.
But they aren't argumentative--because that would just make them asses.
*To read more, Click here.*
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